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What is SEI Consortium?SEI Consortium provides doctoral students and junior scholars at European Universities with a unique opportunity to present their research to, and receive developmental feedback from, leading strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship scholars, including the editors of many of the top journals in the field.
How is the Conference program scheduled? Is it organised by subject areas?The meeting consists of two parts. The Doctoral Consortium provides advanced PhD students the opportunity to present a paper from their dissertation research and receive feedback from leading strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship scholars. The Faculty Workshop is an opportunity for junior scholars to present working papers, also with the objective to receive feedback from the community of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship scholars. Since 2021 these two parts are combined into a single event. PhD and faculty presentation sessions will alternate during the workshop.
Who is the audience?In addition to a selected group of presenters, the audience also consists of leading scholars in the fields of strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation, including several members of editorial boards of journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, and Industrial and Corporate Change, among others.
Will there be discussants for papers presented at the conference?Yes, each discussant will be asked to comment on three presentations, and they will be required to give equal attention to all of them. The discussants will be experienced scholars, either senior or junior, with a demonstrated track record of publishing in leading journals. They are also encouraged to contact the presenters directly to obtain additional materials, such as working papers or presentation slides, before the session. In addition, discussants are expected to share their prepared slides with the authors after their presentations.
Where will the conference be this year (2024)?The workshop will take place at the ESSEC Business School.
Key dates?Faculty Workshop paper submission deadline: May 1st, 2024 Doctoral Consortium nomination deadline: May 1st, 2024 Notification of acceptance: end of May Conference dates: September 20 - September 21, 2024
Who can participate in the SEI Faculty Workshop:Both junior and senior scholars are encouraged to submit their work, although priority will be given to junior scholars. All participants are expected to be based in Europe. Visiting scholars at European Universities can also submit their papers or, in the case of PhD students, be nominated by a senior scholar at the hosting European institution. The submitted papers should contribute to one or more of the following broad areas: strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Priority for inclusion in the program will be given to junior scholars and those who have not presented at the SEI before.
Who can participate in the SEI Doctoral Consortium?Submissions from doctoral students working in the broad fields of strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation are welcome. It is expected that PhD students’ supervisors attend the event as well. If the supervisor is not available, another faculty member from the same institution should participate instead.
What are the requirements for the submitted papers?The submitted papers should contribute to one or more of the following broad areas: strategy, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Submissions should be of high quality and will be subject to a competitive review process. The top-scoring papers will be selected for inclusion in the program. For faculty: The papers must not already be published or forthcoming. Preference will be given to papers by junior faculty. For doctoral students: Since the SEI Consortium is designed to help students develop their research, we prefer nominees whose research is beyond the thesis proposal stage.
Can schools nominate multiple students?Yes. There is a box on the application page to mention the ranking of a nominated student from each institution.
Can a PhD program director directly nominate one or more students?All students nominations should be made by the PhD program director, the department head, or the supervisor (in coordinate with the PhD program direction/department head if there are more than one nominations from the same institution). The supervisors of the nominated PhD students are expected to attend the event. If a supervisor is not available, another faculty member from the same institution should participate instead.
I am a student at one of the invited schools, but I haven’t received the invitation to participate in this year’s conference. What should I do?"Please share your interest with your supervisor and/or your PhD program director so that they can nominate you.
Can students who are early in the program be in the audience if they cover their cost?Students who are early in the PhD program are welcome to attend the consortium as a non-contributing participant if they cover their own costs. However, depending on possible capacity constraints and specific COVID regulations imposed on us by the Dutch government we may have to adjust the decision to admit additional participants at a later stage. This decision will be made by the local organizing committee and announced accordingly.
Can I apply even if I don’t have a completed paper yet?Unfortunately no. Nominated PhD students, please note that your supervisor or PhD director will need to upload an extended abstract at the time of submission (approx. 2000 words), but you will be required to send a full version of your paper to your assigned discussant two weeks before the event at the latest.
Can students modify the draft after submission and before presenting?Yes. Please make sure to communicate with your discussants and conference organizers accordingly and share the most relevant version with them.
Will I get a confirmation for submitting my application?Yes, you will receive an automated email. If you cannot see the email in your inbox, please check your spam folder as well.
When will I hear back about the decision?We aim to inform applicants by late August 2022.
Will I receive the reviewers’ comments on my paper during the application process?No feedback will be provided at this stage.
What should I do if I don’t hear by mid-June?Please check both your inbox and spam folders. If you cannot find any confirmation email or haven’t heard back from us by mid-June, feel free to contact us at
Do I need to do anything once I get the acceptance email?All details about your participation will be in the acceptance email.
When and where will the agenda/programme details be made available?The conference programme will be posted on the website in late August.
What if I find out at a later date (after confirming my attendance) that I cannot attend the conference?Please immediately let us know by sending an email to
Do the organizers cover the costs for the attending faculty advisors?ESSEC Business School will not cover travel or accommodation expenses for faculty advisors. But they will cover the meals during the planned social events of the workshop.
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